primula in the entrance garden. they're mostly a spring flower but they'll bloom any time the temperature is right.
dawn viburnum by the driveway. it has fragrant blooms for several weeks in the winter.
alyssum in the entrance garden.
lithodora in the back yard. it's a reliable groundcover that sometimes blooms at surprising times.
kaffir lily by the barn.
hydrangea "endless summer" in the front yard.
a hardy fuchsia in the sun garden.
compact strawberry bush in the sun garden. it flowers and fruits at the same time! the fruits are from last year's flowers.
daphne "summer ice" by the deck. very fragrant and blooms most of the year.
dahlia "mango madness" in the new dahlia bed. this flower is bigger than my hand; it is our biggest dahlia.
marigold in the new flower bed in the sun garden.
dahlia "bold accent" in the new dahlia bed.
livingstone daisies in the new flower bed in the sun garden.
purple alyssum and livingstone daisies in the new flower bed in the sun garden.
dahlia "doodlebug" in the new dahlia bed.
a surprise pink zinnia from a packet of yellow zinnia seeds in the new flower bed in the sun garden.