escallonia in the entrance garden.
hardy hibiscus near the barn.
asters in the sun garden.
hot poker by the barn.
dwarf plumbago in the sun garden.
cape fuchsia by the barn.
plum passion hydrangea in the front yard.
a volunteer butterfly bush in the entrance garden.
a sneaky primula looking fabulous underneath the columbines in the entrance garden.
gladiola and fuchsia in the sun garden.
coneflower by the barn.
flowers in the sun garden.
cornflower in the sun garden.
california poppy and serbian bellflower in the sun garden.
pansy in the entrance garden.
columbine in the entrance garden.
calendula in the sun garden.
iris "impressionist" in the front yard.
azalea in the front yard.
iris "jurassic park" in the sun garden.